The Training Curriculum Development to Enhance the Computational Science Competencies of Teachers under Kanchanaburi Educational Service Area Office 2

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Jirapa Srinual


The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the competencies of teachers teaching computing science under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, 2) to develop and certify the training curriculum to enhance the competencies of teachers teaching computing science under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, 3) to use the training curriculum to enhance the competencies of teachers teaching computing science under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2,
4) to evaluate and certify the quality of the training curriculum to enhance the competencies of teachers teaching computing science under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2. The sample consisted of 27 teachers teaching computing science in opportunity expansion schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, selected by purposive random sampling. The research instruments consisted of 1) a questionnaire about the competencies of teachers teaching computing science, 2) an evaluation form for appropriateness, 3) a learning achievement test (Pre-test/Post-test), and 4) a Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation Form. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and Dependent sample t-test. The results revealed that 1) Overall, most teachers had problems for every competency at the high to the highest level, 2) The appropriateness of the training curriculum was at the highest level, 3) Post-test scores were higher than Pre-test scores at the .05 level of significance, 4) The appropriateness of 4 components of the training curriculum was at the highest level. 

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How to Cite
Srinual, J. (2024). The Training Curriculum Development to Enhance the Computational Science Competencies of Teachers under Kanchanaburi Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Buddhist Psychology, 9(1), 154–162. Retrieved from
Research Article


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