Development of Local Cultural Market Models Through State Mechanisms and Civil Society to Drive Circular Economy in Ethnic Communities in Mae Hong Son Province

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Pimpatsorn Dedkhad
Kheminthra Tanthikun
Nopparat Kantapikul


The objectives of this research were 1) to study, explore and synthesize the market model, 2) to study approaches to manage the market, and 3) to convey and present the local cultural market through government and civil society mechanisms to drive the circular economy in ethnic communities. Mae Hong Son Province. The research tools were interview forms, focus group discussions. population for tourists 9 groups of service users, market representatives, local leaders, monks, community philosophers, representatives of educational institutions in the area Representative of the Provincial Office of Tourism and Sports.

The results showed that The characteristics of the market are both greenhouses, semi-houses and hawkers/stalls. The size of the market depends on the area and the number of population. market hours Found that they are open every day and open on certain days mixed together. 540 people, representing 100 percent, travel for 441, representing 81.67 percent, and meeting friends of 16 people, representing 2.96 percent. Stall market/open by day, the most 540 people, representing 98 percent. Model synthesis found that management Multilateral Participation group discussions found Must reflect the community potential of the market management within the local community, access to tourism principles. to appreciate the uniqueness What factors of cultural beauty will drive the economy? Increase the capacity of tourism, standards, improve dissemination. Promote online marketing. Development approaches were found that 1) Local community promotion guidelines 2) Cultural promotion 3) Community capacity building 4) Ethnic identity 5) Building a tourism market network to drive the ethnic market.

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How to Cite
Dedkhad, P., Tanthikun, K., & Kantapikul, N. . (2024). Development of Local Cultural Market Models Through State Mechanisms and Civil Society to Drive Circular Economy in Ethnic Communities in Mae Hong Son Province. Journal of Buddhist Psychology, 9(1), 85–98. Retrieved from
Research Article


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