The Proposal Model of Development Research Skill by Using Community-Based to Create Learning Management Innovations for Kru Rak Tin, Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University
Research skill, Kru Rak Tin, Community-BasedAbstract
The purposes of this study were to 1) Develop indicators by community-based research skills for Kru Rak Tin, Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University, 2) create a paradigm for the community-based development of research skills focusing on generating innovations for learning management at Kru Rak Tin, Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University. The sample were lecturers with a major in early childhood, lecturers of teaching professional programs, school directors, supervising teachers or mentors, expert researchers, and community development Specialist. The research instruments were a questionnaire on the requirements for developing research abilities in Kru Rak Tin and the focus group form. The content analysis was used for qualitative analysis.
The findings revealed that 1) community-based research skills indicators for innovation in learning management included 24 hard skills and 16 soft skills, 2) The created model aimed at supporting school and community networks following the Kru Rak Tin identity that integrated curriculum design and design innovation for creating a suitable learning in the community. The principle of the model focused on collaborations between the university and communities to foster authentic learning with creativity.
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