The Characteristics of Innovation in Hostel Business in Hua Hin District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province
Innovation, Hostel, CharacteristicsAbstract
The objectives of this research aimed to study the business innovation characteristics of the hostel business and determine the level of business innovation within this sector. The study employed mixed methods research, utilizing in-depth interviews with 8 hostel entrepreneurs and post-stay customer questionnaires from 160 hostel customers, with the sample size calculated using G*Power.
The results revealed eight key business innovation characteristics of the hostel business such as product and service features, the business ecosystem, image building, access to service recipients and security, ancillary services, revenue and profit mechanisms, internal management, and partnership and business networks. Moreover, the findings indicated a high level of business innovation across all characteristics, with the highest levels observed in the features of product and service, the business ecosystem, and image building. Additionally, the survey indicated high levels in access to service recipients and security, ancillary services, revenue and profit mechanisms, internal management, and partnership and business networks.
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