Needs Assessment to Develop Teachers’ Classroom Research Competency in Samutprakan Provincial Education Office
Needs Assessment, Competency, Classroom ResearchAbstract
The objectives of this research were to conduct a needs assessment for the development of teachers' classroom research competency within the Samutprakan Provincial Education Office and to prioritize these needs and to prioritize needs assessment to develop teachers’ classroom research competency in Samutprakan provincial education office. A total of 82 teachers from the Samutprakan Provincial Education Office were selected for participation using a multi-stage random sampling method. Research instruments with a reliability of 0.85 and a correspondence index value ranging from 0.80 to 1.00 were utilized to gather quantitative data. The data were then subjected to statistical analyses, including frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and the Priority Need Index (PNI).
The results of the study found three key areas regarding teachers' research competency. Firstly, teachers' current knowledge in classroom research averaged at a moderate level, while the anticipated condition was expected to reach the highest average level. Secondly, the current level of classroom research skills among teachers was also assessed to be moderate, with aspirations for improvement to the highest average level in the future. Lastly, teachers' attitudes toward classroom research were rated as average at a medium level in the present condition, with hopes for enhancement to the highest level. Furthermore, the assessment emphasized the necessity of developing teachers' classroom research competency, with the highest priority identified in enhancing classroom research skills.
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