Syntactic Interpretations, Semantic Interpretations and Pragmatic Aspects of Present Participial Reduced Relative Clauses in English Novels


  • Abhinan Wongkittiporn Lecturer, English Language Department, Rangsit University


syntactic interpretations, semantic interpretations, pragmatic aspects, present participial reduced relative clauses, English novels


The objective of this study was to 1) examine syntactic interpretations, 2) examine semantic interpretations and 3) examine pragmatic aspects of present participial reduced relative clauses (PPRRC) in English novels. The samples in this study are the materials of English novels. The data collection was based upon a purposive sampling method where three best-seller American novels ( were collected to study. The sample in this study is three English novels including The Lottery (Jackson, 2015), The Turn of the Screw (James, 2021) and On the Road (Kerouac, 2022). In regard to research methodology, the data collection was approximately 300,000 words containing a total of 20 tokens, referring to sentences. The data analysis of the syntactic theory of PPRRC follows Radford (2009), whereas the semantic interpretations in this study are based on Kearns’ (2011) aspectual classes of events. This study employs descriptive statistical analysis where frequencies were converted into percentages. The equipment to collect the data is Microsoft Excel.

The results of the study show that (1) the syntactic interpretations of PPRRCs are explained by the complexity principle. Using PPRRCs helps the writers reduce the workload of the brain in producing shorter sentences. (2) The semantic interpretations of PPRRCs are explained by the aspectual class of activity. This means that most aspectual of verbs in novels are activity and accomplishments as in the princess waking up at midnight to indicate the ending point. (3) In regard to pragmatic aspects, PPRRCs mostly occur in the final position to comply with the least effort of requirement. Longer sentences need to be made to read and understand the text.


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How to Cite

Wongkittiporn, A. (2024). Syntactic Interpretations, Semantic Interpretations and Pragmatic Aspects of Present Participial Reduced Relative Clauses in English Novels. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 12(1), 186–200. Retrieved from



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