Crime Prevention Management in Gems and Jewelry Shopsin Charoen Krung-Si Phraya Area, Bangkok


  • Teerawat Thanakitlerdsakul -
  • Kannika Kukudrua


Management, Security, Crime


This research aimed to achieve two primary objectives: 1) the opinion levels regarding crime prevention management in gems and jewelry shops, and 2) the personal and business-related factors affecting crime prevention management in gems and jewelry shops. Data were collected using questionnaires distributed among three distinct groups: 1) government agencies; 2) owners of gems and jewelry shops; and 3) security personnel. Data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Descriptive statistics were utilized to elucidate the variable characteristics and assess the influence of these variables.

The findings revealed that 1) respondents expressed stronger support for aspects related to reducing the likelihood of becoming a victim and public participation. Conversely, the environmental aspect received the lowest average score; and 2) personal and business factors collectively affected the crime prevention management in gems and jewelry shops at a statistically significant level of 8.4%, with a significance level of .01.


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How to Cite

Thanakitlerdsakul, T., & Kukudrua, K. (2023). Crime Prevention Management in Gems and Jewelry Shopsin Charoen Krung-Si Phraya Area, Bangkok. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 11(2), 142–159. Retrieved from



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