Generation Z’s Attitude of Mass Transit System Service for Tourism in Bangkok
Attitude, Generation Z, Mass Transit System, Tourism, BangkokAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study the level of generation Z’s attitude towards mass transit system service for tourism in Bangkok and to compare attitude towards mass transit system service for tourism in Bangkok and generation Z’s demographic factors in terms of gender, age, family income, family hometown, and length of stay in Bangkok. Multi-stages were used in this research. The questionnaires were collected from 729 individuals belonging to Generation Z. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviations were employed. Additionally, inferential statistics, such as an independent sample t-test and a one-way analysis of variance, were used to analyze the research data.
The research results showed that generation Z had a moderate level of attitude towards mass transit system service for tourism in Bangkok, and generation Z with different family hometowns had a different attitude towards mass transit system service for tourism in Bangkok, with a statistically significant difference observed (p < 0.05).
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