Active learning by demonstration method on individual differences Learning style


  • ณภัทร ญาโนภาส -


Demonstration Learning, Simulation Learning, Teaching, Chinese Grammar


This research aimed to study the results of differences between individuals regarding learning styles and the effect of using the active learning model through learning demonstrations and simulated learning. Demonstration learning management and simulation learning had been implemented through the research and development (R&D) model in a teaching process. The target group was the fourth-year undergraduate students who were studying in the second semester of the academic year 2021, divided into two sections with thirty-four students. The research instruments consisted of a questionnaire for individuals regarding their learning styles, a questionnaire for the demonstration learning and teaching model, and an interview and satisfaction survey for the demonstration learning and teaching and simulation model. The data were analyzed using a percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD), variant, and t-test.

The results found that students had preferences in all three aspects, such as Chinese alphabet writing, Chinese pronunciation, and doing activities with friends at a high level, except presenting the report content in front of the class. In addition to the analysis of differentiation of individual learning styles, the study found that the respondents were confident to present the report in front of the class at a moderate level overall (𝑥̅ = 3.02) and understood the content learning (individually) (𝑥̅ = 3.26). Scenarios of differences in learning style between individuals of the two groups of learners are different, from the same demonstration and simulated learning arrangements: in preparation before every study, get knowledge from the content of teaching, activities within the classroom, and having a form of communication knowledge within the content to be understood.


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How to Cite

ญาโนภาส ณ. (2024). Active learning by demonstration method on individual differences Learning style. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 12(1), 30–46. Retrieved from



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