The Design of an Infusion Integrated Instruction or Multidisciplinary Instructional Model by Using a Storyline Model in Chinese for a Service Industry Course


  • Napat Yanopas Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Management Science, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University.


The design of teaching style, Creating a story, Chinese for service industry


The purposes of the research were to 1) examine the storyline-based teaching model, and 2) acknowledge the benefits that students received from the implementation of the model in simulation-based role-playing activities. A survey of opinions and learning behaviors of 27 students in Chinese for a Service Industry Course was done using an observation and behavioral data analysis form, and a semi-structured individual interview form presented an essay, mean, standard deviation, and percentage.

The results revealed 1) the storyline model was used in the design of the teaching style, which was derived from the use of an integrated instruction classified by a single instructor, which was an infusion integrated instruction or multidisciplinary instructional model by presenting with a role play by setting the story line with a given topic; 2) five aspects of benefit the students obtained from the design of the infusion integrated instruction using a storyline model were as follows: (1) expression, speech, and gestures; (2)communication in Chinese, service, resourcefulness, sentence construction, and memory; (3) confidence and courage; (4) teamwork and planning; and (5) understanding of various types of service. In this regard, students had responded favorably to this learning style. They had positive opinions, agreeing that it was a beneficial method for knowledge, creativity, and application. Role-playing activities helped students gain confidence in speaking and expressing themselves, as well as a better understanding of service work, which will be useful in the future when they encounter real-life situations. The students’ opinions were at a high level of 66.7%.


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How to Cite

Yanopas, N. (2023). The Design of an Infusion Integrated Instruction or Multidisciplinary Instructional Model by Using a Storyline Model in Chinese for a Service Industry Course. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 11(1), 61–75. Retrieved from



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