Leadership in Local Administration : The Study on Public Health Service in District Administration Organization


  • คมกริช ฤทธิ์บุรี


Leadership model, Public health management, Local admistration


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the generality of leadershipin local administration, 2) to propose a model of leadership in public healthservice for distract administration organization. The subjects were districtadministration organizations of Lamprayaklan in Saraburi province, Paknampranin Prachub Kirikhan province and Phonthong in Chiyaphum province.

The research results can be concluded as follows:

  1. The leadership characteristics in public health service consisted of 7 factors: motivation, intellectual skill, conceptual skill, convention, leader-followerrclationship, supporting system and transformative lcadership.
  1. The model proposed for leadership in public health service was composedof self -value perception, follower's reliance, acceptance of administration andparticipation.


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How to Cite

ฤทธิ์บุรี ค. (2014). Leadership in Local Administration : The Study on Public Health Service in District Administration Organization. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 2(1), 10–28. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssj/article/view/252400



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