Anti-Corruption Policy in Local Administrative Organization : A Study on Policy Implementation


  • กานต์ ศริวิภาสถิตย์


Anti-corruption policy, Local administrative organization


The purposes of this study were to investigate the factors affecting the

success and failure of anti-corruption policy in local administrative organization and

to find out the way to protect corruption in the organization. Research instruments

included an in-depth interview, a field study and a documentary study.

Results indicated that:

          1) The factors of success in anti-corruption implementation were policy, resource, organization management, communication and internal control mechanism.

          2) The cause of failure in anti-corruption implementation were policymaker, staff, mass media, inspection organization for corruption and environment of the institute.

          3) To eradicate the corruption, the government should acknowledge thecauses and factors affecting the problem and enforce the anti-corruption policy effectively



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How to Cite

ศริวิภาสถิตย์ ก. (2014). Anti-Corruption Policy in Local Administrative Organization : A Study on Policy Implementation. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 2(1), 1–9. Retrieved from



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