Strategies to drive and develop student’s problem solving skills Junior high school Bansuanluang School Under the Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • อัยรินทร์ เกลื้อคำ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเพชรบุรี


Driving strategy, Develop student problem solving skills, Problem solving skills


          This research aimed to study 1) Strategies for driving problem solving skills development of junior high school students, 2) Strategies for developing problem solving skills of junior high school students, and 3) Results for problem solving skills development. Of junior high school students Bansuanluang School Under the Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the target groups used in the research were 80 junior high school students. The problem of high school students Bansuanluang School correspondence value is between 0.67-1.00. 2) The assessment of problem solving skills of students. The consistency was 1.00. The statistical analysis used was mean, standard deviation and the percentage of progress.

The research results were found that

  1. Strategy to drive and develop problem solving skills of junior high school students. Bansuanluang School Under the Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, there are 3 strategies: participatory management strategy. Communication strategy And coordination strategies
  2. Strategies used by teachers to develop problem solving skills of junior high school students. Bansuanluang School Under the Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, it is a project-based learning management. Which has 12 projects to develop problem solving skills for students
  3. The results of developing problem solving of junior high school students the total mean score for problem solving skills was 15.93, which was in the good quality criteria, the percentage of progress was 45.13.


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How to Cite

เกลื้อคำ อ. (2021). Strategies to drive and develop student’s problem solving skills Junior high school Bansuanluang School Under the Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 9(2), 155–170. Retrieved from



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