Model Development of Exercise with The Art of Strategic Muay Thai for Enhancing Physical Fitness of The Elderly in Ban Khao Phueng Health Center Pak Chong, Chom Bueng District, Ratchaburi


  • Samran Suksawang


The elderly, Exercise, Physical fitness, Muay Thai


The objectives of this research were: 1. to develop the model of exercise with the art of strategic Muay Thai for enhancing physical fitness of the elderly. 2. to study the result of model of exercise with the art of strategic Muay Thai for enhancing physical fitness of the elderly, and 3. to evaluate reasonableness of the model of exercise with the art of strategic Muay Thai for enhancing physical fitness of the elderly. Two sample groups of this research composed of 1) 5 Muay Thai experts group using for model development and evaluating the model reasonableness 2) 30 elderly persons group from Bann Khao Phueng health promotion hospital in Tambol Pakchong, Amphor Chombueng, Ratchaburi Province, using for experimentation. All groups were acquired by simple random sampling method. Research and development processes, R&D, were used for obtaining good quality of model and exercise program. Research instruments comprised of 3 kinds: 1) The program of exercise with the art of strategic Muay Thai for enhancing physical fitness of the elderly, that was employed for 8 weeks. 2) The 4-item test of health related Physical fitness test which consisted of (1) muscle strength test item, 2) cardiorespiratory endurance test item, (3) flexibility test item 4) body mass Index item, and 3) an evaluation form for the model reasonableness. The data were analyzed in terms of means, standard deviations. The Paired Samples t-test was used to compare two means difference in experimental group, before and after experimentation, at the level of significance .05. 


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How to Cite

Suksawang, S. . (2021). Model Development of Exercise with The Art of Strategic Muay Thai for Enhancing Physical Fitness of The Elderly in Ban Khao Phueng Health Center Pak Chong, Chom Bueng District, Ratchaburi. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 8(2), 122–138. Retrieved from



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