The Development of Professional Competency of the Students in the Teaching Diploma of Rajabhat Universities


  • จริยะ วิโรจน์


professional competency, students in the Teaching Diploma, Rajabhat Universities


The purposes of this research were to (1) study the professional competency of students in the Teaching Diploma at Rajabhat Universities, (2) study the factors that caused these students to have different professional competency, and (3) study the factors that were related to the professional competency of these students. The research methodology was quantitative approaches. The research population was 5,370 students in the Teaching Diploma of Rajabhat universities, of which 680 students of the same level classes in five Rajabhat universities were selected by multi-stage random sampling. Data were analyzed from 601 completed questionnaire received. The descriptive statistics for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and Inference statistics for testing hypotheses at significant level 0.05 consisted of t-test, one-way ANOVA, and MANOVA. The research and hypotheses testing results showed that:

  1. The professional competencies of students: In all aspects were at a high level. Each aspect was also at a high level in all terms. Aspects running respectively from high level to low level the Performance of teaching duties, Learning management, and the Relationship with parents and communities.
  2. Factors that caused students to have different professional competencies: The demographic factors that made the difference were the domicile, and the characteristics factors of that caused difference were Education level, the level/type of


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How to Cite

วิโรจน์ จ. (2021). The Development of Professional Competency of the Students in the Teaching Diploma of Rajabhat Universities. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 9(2), 66–89. Retrieved from



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