Students Care System Management Based on Psychological Principles of Bang Bon Elementary Schools Bangkok, Metropolitan Administration


  • วิไล รุ่งโรจน์แสงจินดา


Management, Students care system, Psychological principles


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the students care system management based on psychological principles 2) to compare the students care system management based on psychological principles 3) to study the problems and suggestions for operation of students care system management based on psychological principles. The sample comprised of 180 administrators and teachers. The instrument was the students care system management questionnaire with 0.95 reliability. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.

The research results revealed that : 1) the operation mean of student care system management based on psychological principles of administrators and teachers in the opinion of administrators and teachers as a whole was at the highest level. 2) comparing the operation of student care system management based on psychological principles in the opinion of administrations and teachers classified by gender was not different. Comparing the opinion of student care system management based on psychological principles in the opinion of administrators and teachers classified by age was different at .05 level of significance. Comparing the opinion of student care system management based on psychological principles in the opinion of administrators and teachers classified by work experience was not different. 3) the problems of the operation of student care system based on psychological principles were that there was not much cooperation among administrators, teachers and parents; indent information of students was inadequate.



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How to Cite

รุ่งโรจน์แสงจินดา ว. . (2013). Students Care System Management Based on Psychological Principles of Bang Bon Elementary Schools Bangkok, Metropolitan Administration. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 1(1), 11–21. Retrieved from



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