Transformation Management of the School Administrators under Ratchaburi Primary Educational Area Office 1


  • Sasiwimon Timpitak


Mathematics learning activities package, Collaborative learning, Learning achievement, Satisfaction


The study had the purposes to 1) develop a Mathematic learning activities package on decimal and fractions topic based on collaborative learning approach, for Mathayomsuksa one students, with the effectiveness scores based on a standard criterion set of 80/80, 2) compare learning achievement between those of before and after the implementation of the learning package, and 3) survey students’ satisfaction toward  experiencing  the  package.  Participants consisted  of 45 Mathayomsuksa  one students , enrolled in the second semester, 2016, from Bangmod Wittaya School (Srisukwardjuanupatum), under the authority of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1. There were drawn by Cluster Random Sampling upon classroom groups. Instruments included (1) 5 sets of a Mathematic learning activities package on decimal and fractions topic, (2) an achievement test containing 30 items designed in four- multiple choice format, with the difficulty level between 0.30 – 0.65, the discrimination level of 0.25–0.55, and the reliability of 0.85, and 3) an evaluation form of students’ satisfaction towards experiencing the package, with 10 items designed in five-point scale format,

The findings were as follows: 1) the effectiveness scores of the developed Mathematics learning activities package on decimal and fractions topic based on collaborative learning approach was revealed at a set of 82.44/81.87, which considerably higher than the predetermined criterion set of 80/80, 2) the students’ achievement score of pretest was significantly higher than that of posttest at a significant level of .05, and 3) the students’ satisfaction towards experiencing the package was revealed at a highest level.


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How to Cite

Timpitak, S. (2013). Transformation Management of the School Administrators under Ratchaburi Primary Educational Area Office 1. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 1(1), 1–10. Retrieved from



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