Guideline for Develop Sport Connectivity in ASEAN Based on Local Suvarnabhumi Martial Arts (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar) toward Many Experiences in One Destination


  • ชาญชัย ยมดิษฐ์


Sports tourism, Suvarnabhumi martial arts, ASEAN region


The purposes of the study were to 1) explore the characteristics, behaviors, and preferences of Suvarnabhumi martial arts tourists, 2) examine the potential and opportunity in developing sports tourism, incorporating Suvarnabhumi martial arts, 3) develop mechanism in linking an ASEAN regional network of sports tourism, incorporating Suvarnabhumi martial arts, 4) propose a guideline for sports tourism networking in ASEAN, incorporating Suvarnabhumi martial arts, and 5) develop a management plan of the Tourism network. In the study, Mixed Methods was used for qualitative and quantitative data collection. With regard to quantitative data, a questionnaire was carried out to 446 foreign trainees of Suvarnabhumi martial arts, and 400 foreign audiences of Suvarnabhumi martial art fighting. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, S.D. and f-test. In terms of qualitative data, in-depth interview was a tool conducted with 35 key informants including Chairman of Thai Boxing Association, headmasters of Thai Boxing camps, and experts. Focus Group Discussion was also administered with 20 experts to gather insightful information. The qualitative data were eventually analyzed by using Content Analysis.

Findings were discovered in several key points as follows: most of the tourists came to Thailand for learning Thai boxing (45.12 percent); the Thai boxing trainees required optimal facilities in a training camp (51.16 percent); the tourists travelled to Myanmar had the aim to learn Lethwei (43.21 percent); Lethwei trainees needed fully-serviced facilities (81.25 percent); the tourists of Thailand travelled for attending Thai Boxing spectaculars (46.51 percent);


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How to Cite

ยมดิษฐ์ ช. . (2018). Guideline for Develop Sport Connectivity in ASEAN Based on Local Suvarnabhumi Martial Arts (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar) toward Many Experiences in One Destination . Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 6(2), 164–179. Retrieved from



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