A Study of the Components of Training Curriculum course Development to Enhance the Ability to use Thai Language For Students of Professional Teachers at Institute of Physical Education


  • ภูมิภัทร พันธ์ทองหลาง
  • พิทักษ์ นิลนพคุณ
  • สุวรรณา จุ้ยทอง


A study of components, Training curriculum, Enhancement of the ability to use Thai language


The purposes of this qualitative study were to 1) study the basic data for a development of a training curriculum to enhance the ability to use Thai language of the professional teacher students, 2) develop a training curriculum to enhance the ability to use Thai language of the professional teacher students. The research conduct was divided into 2 following phases: Phase 1 (survey basic data for a development of a curriculum)  - the samples consisted of 10 teachers, teaching Thai language in the Institute of Physical Education, who also had experience in teaching in a higher education level, and 5 teacher supervisors in charge of  professional training course. The tool in this phase was structured interview. Phase 2 (development of a training curriculum to enhance the ability to use Thai language) - the process in drafting the curriculum was done by using content analysis.

The findings were discovered that 1) from the interview data, the components to develop the curriculum should include (1) Thai language structure, (2) words and word use, (3) sentences and sentence connections, (4) Thai language spelling, (5) Thai language pronunciation, (6) the register of Thai language use and communication, (7) reading for comprehension, (8) analytical reading, (9) reading for gist, (10) summary writing, and (11) writing for conclusions. It was found that the students lacked the ability to apply knowledge and skills when they were on the professional field training.


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How to Cite

พันธ์ทองหลาง ภ., นิลนพคุณ พ. ., & จุ้ยทอง ส. . (2018). A Study of the Components of Training Curriculum course Development to Enhance the Ability to use Thai Language For Students of Professional Teachers at Institute of Physical Education . Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 6(2), 117–129. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssj/article/view/248514



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