The Evaluation of Well-Behaved Student Project of Anuban Ratchaburi School, in Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1


  • จุรีรัตน์ เอี่ยมละมัย
  • เกศินี โสขุมา
  • จันทนา นนทิกร


Evaluation, Projects, Well-behaved students of Anuban


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the Well-Behaved Student Project of Anuban Ratchaburi School, in terms of the context, the basic influential factors, the procedure, and the outcomes, by using CIPP MODEL. Chosen by Purposive Sampling, the samples of the study included 48 teachers who were in charge of the project, 9 school primary educational committee, 96 members of the students’ parents from Pratomsuksa 1-6, as well as 348 students in Pratomsuksa 1-6, who were assigned as student project committee. The tools for data collection were document analysis, five-point scale questionnaire, interview, observation, and teaching notes. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and S.D.

The findings revealed that 1) in terms of the context, the evaluation of the congruence between the school policy on the moral conduct and the main aims of the project was at a high level. Additionally, the high level of the congruence could be found between the aims of the 8 activities of the project and the 8 school basic moral conduct, 2)  in terms of the evaluation of the basic influential factors and the adequacy of the operational factors, the result was at a fair level, 3) in terms of the performance of the members in charge of the procedure on the project operation, the result was at a high level, 


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How to Cite

เอี่ยมละมัย จ. ., โสขุมา เ. ., & นนทิกร จ. . (2018). The Evaluation of Well-Behaved Student Project of Anuban Ratchaburi School, in Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 6(2), 130–146. Retrieved from



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