Development of an Instructional Package on Buddhism Religious Days in Social Education, Religion and Culture Curriculum Strand for Prathomsuksa 3 Students in Banberkprai School, Ratchaburi


  • อรอนงค์ มัยรัตน์
  • เกศินี โสขุมา
  • วินัย ชุ่มชื่น


Development, Instructional package, Buddhism religious days


The objectives of the research were to 1) develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional package on Buddhism Religious Days, in Social Education, Religion and Culture Curriculum Strand for Prathomsuksa 3 students, based on the standard criterion set of 80/80, 2) compare the students’ learning achievement before and after the implementation of the instructional package into the class in 2016, and 3) examine the students’ satisfaction towards the use of the instructional package. The population of the study included 28 Prathomsuksa 3 students, enrolled in the second semester of 2016. One Group Pretest-Posttest was employed as the research design of the study. The research instruments consisted of the instructional package on Buddhism Religious Days, in Social Education, Religion and Culture Curriculum Strand (It comprised 3 books in the set, including Book 1: Magha Puja Day, Book 2: Vesakha Puja Day, and Book 3: Asalha Puja Day), an achievement test as the identical copy of the pretest and the posttest, and a questionnaire to survey students’ satisfaction. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviafion and Dependent t-test.

The result of the study presented that 1) the effectiveness of the instructional package met the standard criterion set of E1/E1, as the result of 83.00/82.80, 2) the students’ learning achievement score was higher after the treatment by using the instructional package at a significance level of .01, and 3) the students’ satisfaction towards the use of the instructional package was at a high level.


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How to Cite

มัยรัตน์ อ. ., โสขุมา เ. . ., & ชุ่มชื่น ว. . . (2018). Development of an Instructional Package on Buddhism Religious Days in Social Education, Religion and Culture Curriculum Strand for Prathomsuksa 3 Students in Banberkprai School, Ratchaburi. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 6(2), 104–116. Retrieved from



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