A Study on Critical Thinking Ability of the Pratomsuksa 3 students, in Learning Science through 7E Learning Cycle, Incorporated LT technique


  • ชนนิกานต์ กองแก้ว
  • สุวรรณา จุ้ยทอง


Critical thinking ability, 7E learning cycles, LT technique


The study aimed to 1) compare the critical thinking ability of Pratomsuksa 3 students before and after the implementation of 7E learning cycle, incorporated LT technique in a science class, 2) compare the critical thinking ability of two groups of Pratomsuksa 3 students, in which one group was treated by 7E learning cycle, incorporated LT technique, and the other group was treated by traditional teaching method. Those two sample groups were selected from one school, and enrolled in the first semester of 2017. The sample school was chosen by Multi - Stage Cluster Random Sampling. The group one of 25 samples was taken as an experimental group. The group two of 25 samples was taken as a controlled group. The experiment was carried out for 9 weeks: 2 hour duration for each, 18 hours in total.  The instruments consisted of critical thinking test, with the reliability of .974, and the 7E Cycle method, incorporated LT technique, with the reliability of .951.  Randomized Control – Group Pretest – Posttest Design was applied in this study. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, S.D., Dependent t-test, Independent t-test, as well as content analysis.

The results were discovered that 1) Pratomsuksa 3 students obtained higher critical thinking ability after learning through 7E, incorporated LT technique, at a statistical significance level of .01, and 2) the experiment group revealed the higher critical thinking ability after learning through 7E cycle, incorporated LT technique, at a statistical significance level of .01.


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How to Cite

กองแก้ว ช. . ., & จุ้ยทอง ส. . . (2018). A Study on Critical Thinking Ability of the Pratomsuksa 3 students, in Learning Science through 7E Learning Cycle, Incorporated LT technique. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 6(2), 94–103. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssj/article/view/248511



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