Development of Architecture Professional Standardized Test (Theoretical Part) for Students at a Vocational Certificate Level, Based on the Vocational Certificate Curriculum of B.E. 2556 of Technical Colleges under the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Ministry of Education.


  • สมพงษ์ วงษ์วิไล
  • อารมย์ สนานภู่
  • เกศินี โสขุมา


Vocational certificate curriculum of B.E. 2556, Professional standards of conduct and practice for architects, Students at a vocational certificate level


The objectives of the study were to 1) develop an architecture professional standardized test (theoretical part) for the students at a vocational certificate level, based on the vocational certificate curriculum of B.E.2556, and 2) develop the standard criteria including the manual of the test, on the theoretical part in particular. The samples were 631 students at a vocational certificate level, from Architecture department,   chosen by Stratified Sampling of regional colleges. The test was a multiple choice test, consisting of 60 test items of 5 alternatives. Statistics for data analysis were Index of Congruence (IOC) of the test items and the test objectives, the test difficulty level, the test discrimination, the reliability and other normal criteria.

The findings revealed that 1) the IOC of the developed architecture professional standardized test (theoretical part), for the students at a vocational certificate level, based on the vocational certificate curriculum of B.E.2556, consisting of 60 items, was ranged between 0.60-1.00. The difficulty level was ranged between 0.48–0.78. The test discrimination ability was ranged between 0.20–0.69.  The reliability of the test overall was at 0.91, and 2) the standard criteria of the raw score was ranged from 11–60 score. The standard t-score was ranged from T20–T79.  The test paper was enclosed with the instructional manual of the test, together with the test criteria for the interpretation of the score.


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How to Cite

วงษ์วิไล ส. . ., สนานภู่ อ. . ., & โสขุมา เ. . (2018). Development of Architecture Professional Standardized Test (Theoretical Part) for Students at a Vocational Certificate Level, Based on the Vocational Certificate Curriculum of B.E. 2556 of Technical Colleges under the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Ministry of Education. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 6(2), 69–80. Retrieved from



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