The Impacts of Internet Using of Undergratduate Students at Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University


  • วันชัย ตาเสน


Impacts, Internet using, Undergraduate students


This study aimed to 1) survey the behaviors of the internet users, 2) examine the impacts from using the internet, 3) compare the impacts caused by the internet use, based on the differences of each individual data and the individual’s behaviors in using the internet, and 4) initiate the guideline for preventing the negative impacts of the internet use of the undergraduate students in Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University.  The sample group consisted of 370 undergraduate students from year 2-4, enrolled in the second semester of 2015, drawn by Stratified Sampling of their faculties. The tools for data collection included 1) check-list questionnaire, 2) five-point scale questionnaire, with the reliability of .94, and 3) a four- alternative multiple choice test, with the reliability of .80. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, S.D., Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffe’Method.

The results of the study were discovered that 1) the internet users had a moderate level of knowledge of the internet use, with 6-10 year experience using the internet, using the internet daily or at least 1-6 times a week, for 1-4 hours each time, and from 16.01-22.00 pm. The purposes of the internet use basically were for their own entertainment, and chats with friends. They were often on campus internet service, or on the internet prepaid at the minimum rate of 50 Baht up to 200 Baht per month. The majority had a high level of positive attitude towards the internet use.


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How to Cite

ตาเสน ว. . (2020). The Impacts of Internet Using of Undergratduate Students at Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 6(2), 1–20. Retrieved from



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