The Guidelines for Health Tourism Development in the Western Region for the Senior Thai Tourists


  • Tassanee Naksanee Tourism and Hotel Major, Faculty of Management Science Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University


Health Tourism, Thai Tourists, Senior Thai, Western region


This research was aimed to explore tourist attractions, types, service attributes, and facilities; to evaluate the tourist attractions’ potential and study the characteristics, behaviors, expectations, and satisfaction of senior Thai tourists; and to determine the guidelines for health tourism development. It was conducted by using mixed-methods research consisting of an interview form, an evaluation form, and a focus group discussion. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and content analysis.

The findings revealed that there were 303 tourist attractions in the western region, the attractions were divided into eight types. For the potential of tourist attractions in the western region that suited the senior Thai tourists, 130 high-potential tourist attractions were found. The purpose of travels was for pleasure. The senior Thai tourists showed higher satisfaction with the attractions than they had expected. Four guidelines for development were suggested; 1) tourism personnel development, 2) tourism product development, 3) marketing development for sales promotion, and 4) facility development in the tourist attractions.


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How to Cite

Naksanee, T. . (2019). The Guidelines for Health Tourism Development in the Western Region for the Senior Thai Tourists. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 7(1), 1–19. Retrieved from



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