Development of Informative Package for Fresh and Processed Ratchaburi Pineapple


  • Suchittra Chanloy Digital Technology in Education and Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University
  • Sutida Preechanonth Digital Technology in Education and Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University


Bankha pineapple, Package, Bankha Brand, Community enterprise, Ratchaburi


The objectives of this study were to: 1) design and develop the informative package for fresh and processed pineapple, 2) try out the informative package with the members of community enterprises of Nong Pan Chan Sub-district, Ban Kha District, 3) assess the use of the informative package for product value enhancement, economic, and society, and 4) create the practical ways of establishing consumer involvement in using the informative package. The study area was community enterprises in 3 sub-districts in Ban Kha District, Ratchaburi Province. The data were collected using the qualitative method, in which the key informants were the members of community enterprises, government agencies, local administrative organizations, shop owners, and customers. Content analysis and quantitative analysis, statistics used were mean and standard deviation, were applied for data interpretation.

The findings indicated that: 1) the informative packages for fresh and processed pineapple were co-designed under Bankha brand by the members of community enterprises. The design was consistent with the demand of the members of community enterprises, and consumer needs, which were information and product quality, story-telling the cultivation area, product uniqueness, product quality communication, text, images, drawings and QR codes linked to the website providing the information of production process, 2) the trial of selling products using the informative packages succeeded in increasing sales volume, in which the shop owners and consumers were satisfied with the quality of the product and the image of the package. The satisfaction levels were from high to excellent ( = 4.12-4.61),  



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How to Cite

Chanloy, S. ., & Preechanonth, S. . (2020). Development of Informative Package for Fresh and Processed Ratchaburi Pineapple. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 8(1), 121–138. Retrieved from



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