Knowledge Enhancement for Local wisdom Network Parties on using Cannabis for Elderly Health Care in Saraburi Province


  • Amnuay Pinphila Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Southeast Asia University


Local wisdom, Cannabis, The Elderly


The purposes of this research were to: 1) enhance the knowledge exchange on local wisdom by connecting the networks to the elderly leaders in transferring knowledge to elderly members, and 2) enhance and increase the learning engagement efficiency on local wisdom about cannabis which was available in the area to the community in Saraburi Province. This qualitative research was conducted using (1) an in-depth interview, (2) a focus group discussion, and (3) a public forum in order to gather opinions and suggestions from a sample group of 150 respondents, which was the elderly members of the Council of the Elders, the senior volunteer members of the Brain Bank, the elderly members of public interest organizations, and involved government officials from the Office of Social Development and Human Security, Saraburi Province.

The findings showed that the enhancement of the knowledge exchange on local wisdom by connecting the networks to the elderly leaders in transferring knowledge to elderly members consisted of leadership, volunteering spirit, health, knowledge, and time. With regards to the leadership aspect, the elderly must do it as an obvious example. Regarding the volunteering spirit aspect, the new members must be given sufficient explanation and understand the volunteering spirit to join the group to help society without expecting any in return. As for the health aspect, most of the meeting attendees or the activity participants were healthy. In terms of the knowledge aspect, although the elderly have the educational qualifications not higher than the bachelor’s degree, 


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How to Cite

Pinphila, A. . (2020). Knowledge Enhancement for Local wisdom Network Parties on using Cannabis for Elderly Health Care in Saraburi Province. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 8(1), 93–105. Retrieved from



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