Customers’ Behaviors in Buying Community Products through Electronic Commerce Media


  • Wanna Chokbandansuk
  • Sudarat Theinnoi


Marketing mix, Community products, Electronic commerce, Online marketing


The objective of this research were to 1) study the behaviors of customers in buying community products through online marketing/ electronic media for commerce, 2) survey the marketing factors affecting the decision to buy community products, and 3) explore the influential characteristics that enable to attract customers when designing a website or application for commerce. It was quantitative research using a questionnaire as the tool. The survey was conducted with 385 customers who bought the community’s products. Data were analyzed by using Percentage, Mean, and S.D.

The results revealed that Facebook application was the most common used channel. The frequent purposes of buying were for individuals and for souvenirs. Common payment method was through bank account transaction. The product delivery should be within one to three working days. The marketing factors affecting the decision to buy the community products were that the products look delicate and attractive from the appearance. They should also portray the uniqueness of the local culture and wisdom, with a reasonable price based on the quality, and with a presentation of a clear price label. Moreover, there should be some marketing activities to stimulate the customers’ direct needs. The website or application should be designed with an interesting concise name or heading in order to draw on the customers’ attention and maintain their memory of the products. The payment system should be secure and the delivery system should be trustworthy.


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How to Cite

Chokbandansuk, W. . ., & Theinnoi, S. . . (2019). Customers’ Behaviors in Buying Community Products through Electronic Commerce Media. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 7(2), 81–95. Retrieved from



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