Potential Approaches to the Management of Accommodation to Promote Health: a Case Study in the Areas of the Lanna Civilization Tourism Development


  • penpaksina wicheanwan Saun Dusit University


Management, Accommodation for Health Promotion



          This research primarily aimed to formulation of guidelines for enhancing accommodation management for health promotion. This study was conducted using mixed methods approach. In which quantitative research is conducted by using questionnaires for staffs to study management potential by analyzing the data by Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and F-test. Qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews with executives or representatives, including key informants to formulate a guideline for increasing management capacity using content analysis by analyzing summary of content issues, separating answers into categories. The research found that guidelines for increasing the potential or ability of the marketing planning process to maximize the effectiveness of the low-season accommodation for health promotion.


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How to Cite

wicheanwan, penpaksina. (2021). Potential Approaches to the Management of Accommodation to Promote Health: a Case Study in the Areas of the Lanna Civilization Tourism Development. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 9(2), 32–49. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssj/article/view/246883



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