The influence of adaptation of the people affected by the Coronavirus and Social Distancing that leads to Learning Organization in Preventing the Virus Outbreak of production plant staffs in Samut Sakhon Province


  • Wannachai Thurapang
  • Santidhorn Pooripakdee
  • Chertchai Thurapaeng


Adaptation, Social Distancing, Learning Organization, Coronavirus (Covid-19), Samut Sakhon Province


          The objectives of this research were to explore 1) effect of adaptation and Social Distancing 2) effect of adaptation and learning organization and 3) effect of Social Distancing and learning organization. The sample group includes 199 production plant staffs. Samples were collected by using questionnaires as a data collection tool and analyzed by using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation together with analyzing the relation of variables with Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression. Results showed that adaptation effected Social Distancing. Crisis induced defensive behavioral response to the situation leading to adaptation with the status quo. Conversation, experience sharing and learning leaded to adapt in order to survive in the Covid-19 epidemic. Avoiding risky places and behaving in the way to eliminate or minimize the risk are the new practice that should be performed to well prevent the epidemic. Moreover, the findings indicated that adaptation and Social Distancing had an effect on learning organization. Adaptation and Social Distancing were the continuous and repeated practice to prevent the spread of Covid-19 conducting to new practice. It was the learning from individual to public until becoming a learning organization. In conclusion, the researcher gave suggestion in order to develop and improve organization to be learning organization from the current crisis situation in the study.


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How to Cite

Thurapang, W., Pooripakdee, S. ., & Thurapaeng, C. . (2021). The influence of adaptation of the people affected by the Coronavirus and Social Distancing that leads to Learning Organization in Preventing the Virus Outbreak of production plant staffs in Samut Sakhon Province. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 9(1), 71–91. Retrieved from



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