Legal Measures for Preventing, Resolving and Controlling Haze Pollution Problems in Chiang Mai City: A Case Study of Transboundary Haze Pollution


  • กัณฐภรณ์ ยานะศักดิ์ คณะนิติศาสตร์
  • Sanyalux Panvatanalikit


Law enforcement, Chiang Mai haze pollution, Transboundary haze pollution


This documentary research was on the legal measures to prevent, resolve, and control the haze pollution problem in Chiang Mai with the case of transboundary haze pollution. The objectives of the research were to study the legal measures related to the prevention and resolution of the transboundary haze pollution of Thai law in the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution in order to analyze the problem conditions, causes, obstacles in law enforcement and to seek for guidelines to improve amend and add legal provisions for Thai law for more efficiently resolving the transboundary haze pollution problem in Chiang Mai.

The findings revealed that transboundary haze pollution was the major cause of haze pollution in Chiang Mai Province. However, the legal measures to prevent, resolve, and control the haze pollution problem, which were used in Chiang Mai, could not be enforced efficiently. The issue arose from the lack of international compulsory conditions, cooperation, as well as, the lack of legal measures to promote law enforcement in order to efficiently prevent, resolve, and control the transboundary haze pollution problem. As the result, the transboundary haze pollution problem could not be resolved. Therefore, there should be specific legal provisions for haze pollution control, and more various legal measures should also be added to the system to promote law enforcement to be more complete and efficient.


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How to Cite

ยานะศักดิ์ ก., & Panvatanalikit, S. . (2021). Legal Measures for Preventing, Resolving and Controlling Haze Pollution Problems in Chiang Mai City: A Case Study of Transboundary Haze Pollution. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 9(1), 17–34. Retrieved from



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