Developing Service Excellence in Five-Star Hotels in Bangkok through HRD Needs Assessment

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Watunyoo Suwannaset


Tourism is a significant income source for Thailand.  This growing industry is supported by other related businesses to provide services and welcome Thai and foreign tourists.  Most hospitality services, including hotels, rely on the welcoming skills of their human resources.  Undoubtedly, service excellence by hotel staff could deliver memorable experiences to guests.  Notwithstanding, the promised excellent services would not happen if hotels did not possess the knowledge to train and develop their human resources.  This qualitative study, applying the Grounded Theory strategy, had three objectives: 
1) to examine sources of information five-star hotels in Bangkok utilised when conducting HRD needs assessment, 2) to study the steps in developing HRD needs assessment for five-star Hotels in Bangkok, and 3) to develop an HRD Needs Assessment model for five-star hotels in Bangkok.  Two data collection techniques were a semi-structured interview with senior HR people in 21 five-star hotels in Bangkok.  Also some of their operating documents were reviewed to gain deeper understanding.  The ‘Steps of Grounded Theory Data Analysis’ guided by Braun and Clarke (2013) were used to analyze data in this study.
            This study reports 10 significant data sources required in the HRD needs assessment process.  Most five star hotels in this study practice 5 HRD needs assessment steps: 1) gaining the HRD needs data and identifying whether HRD programs are necessary; 2) requesting involved parties to produce relevant HRD plans; 3) verifying the effectiveness of the HRD proposals, and providing suggestions; 4) getting final approval from GMs; and 5) prioritizing the approved HRD plan and announcing the annual HRD plans. The study finally presented the HRD needs assessment model showing steps, data sources and assessment criteria to benefit HR Managers in the hotel businesses.

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How to Cite
Suwannaset, W. (2017). Developing Service Excellence in Five-Star Hotels in Bangkok through HRD Needs Assessment. Journal of HR intelligence, 12(1), 103–124. retrieved from
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