Human Capital Management in the Era of Social Media

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ยศธร ทวีพล
ศิริพร แย้มนิล
กมลพร สอนศรี
นภเรณู สัจจรักษ์ ธีระฐิติ


  The objective of this paper was to investigate these following questions: (1) What dimensions of human capital management in public sector and private sector are the objectives of social media use?; (2) What are the limitations of social media applied to human capital management?; and (3) What are important ethical issues of social media applied to human capital management? The results found that: (1) The social media were used for the human capital management in terms of recruitment, especially talent acquisition, Generation Y employees, employee branding, collaboration and communication, employee selection via social media, and social media use in workplace; (2) There were several limitations of social media applied to human capital management such as inconsistency of employee value and business value, inconsistency of social media and conventional system of the company, no privacy, and insecurity of data; and (3) Regarding the ethical issues of social media applied to human capital management, an analysis of diversity, fairness, and access was conducted. The findings revealed that there were ethical issues related to the social media as mentioned above. Additionally, the social media were widely used for the human capital management in the world’s leading private companies while there were many limitations of social media use in the public sectors.

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ทวีพล ย., แย้มนิล ศ., สอนศรี ก., & สัจจรักษ์ ธีระฐิติ น. (2019). Human Capital Management in the Era of Social Media. Journal of HR intelligence, 12(2), 64–79. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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