The Learning Organization Agent: Roles of Facilitating Learning in a State-Enterprise Organization

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พงศ์ศิริ สุขประวิทย์
มณฑล สรไกรกิติกูล


This research aims to study the perception toward roles of the Learning Organization Agents (LO Agent) in a State-Enterprise organization which involving in the learning activities. A qualitative research method was employed. Data was collected from an in-depth interview with ten LO Agents. A secondary data such as internal announcements, standard operating procedures and reports in an organization were also analyzed to verify and support the finding. 

          The finding shows that the facilitator performs eight roles, which are Coordinator, Stimulator, Communicator, Learning Guidance, Volunteer, Monitoring, Compromiser, and Observer. By the way, the LO Agent performs six roles. The four roles are considered as group facilitation including Coordinator, Stimulator, Communicator, and Learning Guidance. In a State-Enterprise Organization, the results reveal two additional roles including Volunteer, and Monitoring. As LO Agent in this sample organization is considered as a supporting position, so volunteer roles are emerged. In the realm of bureaucracy procedure, updating and reporting to supervisor are regular process, so monitoring role are needed.

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สุขประวิทย์ พ., & สรไกรกิติกูล ม. (2017). The Learning Organization Agent: Roles of Facilitating Learning in a State-Enterprise Organization. Journal of HR intelligence, 12(2), 27–46. retrieved from
Research Articles


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