Relationships Between Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and The Moderating Role of Individual Needs

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หทัยทิพย์ อภิวงค์งาม
รัชนีวรรณ วนิชย์ถนอม


 This study was entitled “Relationships between Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and The Moderating Role of Individual Needs”. The study was conducted as a correlation research. The objectives of the study were as follows 1) to study the relationship of Perceived Organizational Justice, Perceived Organizational Support, Individual Needs, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, 2) to study the mediating role of Perceived Organizational Support on the relationships of Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and 3) to study the moderating role of Individual Needs on the relationship of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. 

            The subjects were 301 government officers (except executives, directors, and specialists) at a government organization in Thailand. The questionnaires were used as a research instrument. The questionnaires were divided into 5 parts; 1) 6 items of Personal Factors, 2) 42 items measuring Perceived Organizational Justice, 3) 25 items measuring Perceived Organizational Support, 4) 13 items of Individual Needs, and 5) 21 items measuring Organizational Citizenship Behavior. 

            The statistical measures comprised of Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.

            The results of this research had shown that Organizational Citizenship Behavior had positive correlations with Perceived Organizational Justice, Perceived Organizational Support, and Individual Needs. Thus, other organizations could employ the results to develop Organizational Citizenship Behavior with their officer and any researcher could apply them for future studies. 

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อภิวงค์งาม ห., & วนิชย์ถนอม ร. (2018). Relationships Between Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and The Moderating Role of Individual Needs. Journal of HR intelligence, 13(2), 54–73. retrieved from
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