The Study of the Cultural Dimensions of Teaching Career and the Student-Centered Learning Management: The Case Study of Schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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ปิยะณัฐ ศรีวิไลย์
อรนุช พฤฒิพิบูลธรรม


The objectives of this study were to 1) analyze Hofstede’s cultural dimensions 2) analyze student-centered learning management and 3) analyze the relationships between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions for teaching career and student-centered learning management by using the quantitative method (survey questionnaires). The sample for this study was collected from 540 teachers working for schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The results revealed that teaching career have high index score of power distance (PDI), low index score of individualism and collectivism (IDV), low index score of masculinity and femininity (MAS), low index score of uncertainty avoidance (UAI), low index score of lone-term orientation (LTO), low index score of indulgence versus restraint (IVR). In the pasts of student-centered learning management found that all 3 parts (behavior, activity, evaluation) were still in high level. Moreover. The cultural dimensions have relationships with student-centered learning management with statistically significance at .308. The Long-Term Orientation dimension has the strongest relationship with student-centered learning management with significance at .302. Masculinity and Femininity dimension relationship with the student-centered learning management significance at .298. Interestingly, The Power Distance dimension displayed the negative and lowest relationship with the student-centered learning management significantly at -.107. So that, related education organization should consider in specify explicit strategy for supporting and developing the education in Thailand context. 

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How to Cite
ศรีวิไลย์ ป., & พฤฒิพิบูลธรรม อ. (2018). The Study of the Cultural Dimensions of Teaching Career and the Student-Centered Learning Management: The Case Study of Schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Journal of HR intelligence, 13(1), 46–66. retrieved from
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