Development of Participatory Learning Process Based on Green Living Principles for Enhancing Family Well-Being

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ยุรนันท์ ตามกาล
สุวิธิดา จรุงเกียรติกุล
เกียรติวรรณ อมาตยกุล


 This article is part of a qualitative research entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF A PARTICIPATORY LEARNING PROCESS BASED ON GREEN LIVING TO ENHANCE WELL-BEING OF FAMILIES”, which aims to 1) identify and analyze components of green family by using in-depth interviews and non- participant observations to collect data from 5 green families living in Bangkok Metropolitan Region 2) develop participatory learning process based on green living to enhance well-being of families by conducting a participatory research, using Participatory Learning: PL, with 3 participated families over the period of 6 months.

           The results shown that 
           1)The fundamental details of green families were (1) Family Background; healthy relationship between family members, efficient household space management, general knowledge or personal interests that can be used to support green living lifestyle ; (2) Motivation; health problems, acknowledgement of environmental problems, interestedness in agricultural; (3) Green lifestyle practicing; treatment of self and others, balanced environmental treatment; (4) Green lifestyle learning; joint learning of family members; (5) Family overall health status; improvement in physical, mental and social health; and (6) Family learning process consisted of 9 stages (e.g., motivation caused by health problem; knowledge gathering; activities practicing; further knowledge seeking from learning centers or from family member’s experiences when facing obstacles, and etc.
           2) A learning process based on green living to enhance well-being of families consist of 8 stages as follows ; 
           -           Learning from others’ experiences
           -           Exchanging experiences between family members
           -           Identifying family problems and acknowledging needs to improve family health
           -           Designing learning activities
           -           Experimenting in daily life
           -           Pursuing further knowledge
           -           Re-experimenting in daily life
           -           Self-evaluations
           The components of this learning process are family context, learning activities, attitude or viewpoint and fund or resources.

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How to Cite
ตามกาล ย., จรุงเกียรติกุล ส., & อมาตยกุล เ. (2019). Development of Participatory Learning Process Based on Green Living Principles for Enhancing Family Well-Being. Journal of HR intelligence, 13(1), 20–45. retrieved from
Research Articles


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