Challenging Situations in Energize an Employee to Create Knowledge in The Large Organization

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ดร.มณฑล สรไกรกิติกูล
ชยาพล สุนทรวิวัฒนา


This qualitative research aimed to study challenge situations in workplace, which enabling employee to adapt and develop themselves, and to identify the way that employees create knowledge in order to cope with that challenging situations. Informants are employees, who are in the entry and middle level in the large companies with more than 200 million Thai Baht in assets from various industries. Data was collected by focus group. Informants were 28 people and divided for 5-6 members per group. Data were analyzed by framework analysis and were interpreted from words, context, consistency and interaction in each group.

The results showed that the challenge situation is changing the environment, which energies knowledge creation. The situation has two types: Structural situation and Personal situation. Both Situations related with face-to-face interaction as collective interaction and Individual interaction. Results could guide for a management practice in applying the changing and challenging situations to enable and energize employees to create a knowledge to use in organizations. However, situations should be resolvable. Unbearable situations may lead to employee resignation.

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How to Cite
สรไกรกิติกูล ด., & สุนทรวิวัฒนา ช. (2019). Challenging Situations in Energize an Employee to Create Knowledge in The Large Organization. Journal of HR intelligence, 14(1), 28–44. retrieved from
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