The Causal Relationship and Effect of Elderly Workers Management Capability : An Empirical Evidence of Hotels Business in Thailand

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ปรีชา คำมาดี
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.วิโรจน์ เจษฎาลักษณ์


The research aimed to 1) Investigate the effect of elderly workers management capability on knowledge sharing organization and service quality, 2) Investigate the effect of knowledge sharing organization and service quality on organizational performance, and 3) Investigate the effects of antecedent factors which are transformational leadership and diversity management on elderly workers management capability. The sample include 293 hotel managers in 4 and 5 star rated hotels in Thailand. The questionnaire which was used as the tools for data collection. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

The results of research aimed that 1) Elderly workers management capability has a direct effect on knowledge sharing organization and service quality. 2) Knowledge sharing organization and service quality have a direct effect on organizational performance and 3) Transformational leadership and diversity management have a direct effect on elderly workers management capability. The results of this research will be useful as a guide for policy making and applying in the field of strategic elderly workers management in organization for competitive advantage, achievement and sustainable performance.

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How to Cite
คำมาดี ป., & เจษฎาลักษณ์ ผ. ด. (2019). The Causal Relationship and Effect of Elderly Workers Management Capability : An Empirical Evidence of Hotels Business in Thailand. Journal of HR intelligence, 14(1), 6–27. retrieved from
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