การจัดการทรัพยากรป่าชายเลน กรณีศึกษา: ชุมชนบ้านหนองสมาน หมู่ที่ 3 ตำบลหาดสาราญ อำเภอหาดสาราญ จังหวัดตรัง


  • นิเวศน์ อรุณเบิกฟ้า ภาควิชาสังคมศาสตร์ คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


ป่าชายเลน, การจัดการทรัพยากร, Mangrove Forest, Resource Management


Abstract in Thai unavailable


Mangrove Forest Resource Management: A Case Study of Baan Hnongsamarn Community, Tambon Hardsumran, Amphoe Hardsumran, Trang Province

This qualitative research was intended to investigate the management of mangrove forest resources from the experience of Baan Hnongsamarn community concerning conservation, preservation, consumption, and development of the forest. The subjects studied were the committees of Baan Hnongsamarn Women Development Volunteers Group, Village Committee Group, Baan Hnongsamarn Resource Management Group, and ten families of the groups’ members in the community. The 21 subjects were divided into two groups, 7 and 6 each, for a focus-group discussion. Twenty of them attended an in-depth interview. The data then were collected for a descriptive content analysis.

The research findings showed that the management of mangrove forest resources in Baan Hnongsamarn community was the management of “social capital or community capital” that men co-existed with forest under the consensus of the related agencies and participation in the decision-making process. In mangrove forest management, the starting point came when the people in Baan Hnongsamarn community found their mangrove forest destroyed and the aquatic animals decreased. This affected their livelihood because their income was not enough. Therefore, the people worked together to solve the problems by reviving the 350 rai of mangrove forest. The community then divided the area into 3 ones: 200 rai of reviving forest, 100 rai of aquatic animal preservation forest, and 50 rai of community forest.

When the community’s participation in solving the problems was analyzed together with their development of perception and wisdom about mangrove forest resource management, the people’s decision-making was revealed in their lifestyles that met the basic need for four means of livelihood, e.g. using mangrove wood for housing, mangrove herbal plants for medicine, fishing for food and family income. The issue of satisfying the basic need raised an idea of internal development of the community, that when Hnongsamarn people were self-reliant and not destructive to the community’s mangrove forest, the management with people’s participation in problem analysis was in action and the forest was revived. The mangrove forest became healthier, with more aquatic animals.

The community was then aware that the forest was so important that they preserved the area for the habitat of aquatic animals. With control and maintenance, people used the forest directly and indirectly. There were activities to conserve this forest such as reforestation, refraining from catching aquatic animals during spawning seasons, and specifying lawful fishing gears, as well as transferring knowledge to people inside and outside the community. The mangrove forest had been developed by creating a network to manage it and upgrading the community to a learning site of mangrove resource management that was linked to Baan Hnongsamarn Community School and neighboring communities in order to instill consciousness into the youth.


How to Cite

อรุณเบิกฟ้า น. (2010). การจัดการทรัพยากรป่าชายเลน กรณีศึกษา: ชุมชนบ้านหนองสมาน หมู่ที่ 3 ตำบลหาดสาราญ อำเภอหาดสาราญ จังหวัดตรัง. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 6(1), 23–50. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/eJHUSO/article/view/85832