Step out of suffering, discover yourself and your worth from Please read this book…Darling. (An Nangsue Lem Ni Thoe Thirak)


  • Watsaranan Chuthap Lecturer, Thai Language Department, Faculty of Education, Suratthani Rajabhat University


step out of suffering, self-discovery, self-value, Please read thisbook…Darling (An Nangsue Lem Ni Thoe Thirak), literature


This academic article aims to present books and suppression of mood swings, and self-discovery and self-worth from reading books. According to the finding, it was found that the literature, “Please read this book…Darling (An Nangsue Lem Ni Thoe Thirak), presented all three issues linked together. There are reading a book would lead to self-discovery, exploring problems, including reviewing what factors caused suffering in order to solve the problem directly. Meanwhile, it helps to know yourself more deeply, which leads to setting goals to truly create value and value in one's own life path, as well as bring happiness to living. Moreover, most importantly, this book has the essence that the author filled with goodwill, concern, and generosity for the readers to use as a tool to expand their thoughts and spark a light of wisdom in their lives.


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How to Cite

Chuthap, W. (2023). Step out of suffering, discover yourself and your worth from Please read this book…Darling. (An Nangsue Lem Ni Thoe Thirak). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 19(1), 135–154. retrieved from



Academic Article