Role for Women in Khmer folk tales


  • สายธาร ทิมทับ สาขาจารึกศึกษา คณะโบราณคดี มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


Role, Women, Khmer folk tales, private sphere, public sphere


              The purpose of the article entitled “Role of Women in Khmer folk tales” is a study of Khmer folk tales adopted from the collection of Khmer folk tales episode 1-9, 191 stories, with the objective of Study the role of women characters in Khmer folk tales. The results showed that women have more roles in private sphere than public sphere. Roles of women characters in a private sphere can be categorized into 3 statuses; a daughter, a wife and a mother. These roles support and encourage men to achieve their goals by using feminine traits according to the beliefs of Cambodian society. These traits showed that role of women characters in Khmer folk tales. Meaning that he was a daughter  who obeyed his parents. Is a honest wife to her husband. Is a mother who takes care of children.


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How to Cite

ทิมทับ ส. (2020). Role for Women in Khmer folk tales. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 15(2), 48–74. retrieved from



Academic Article