Work Self-adjustment among Elderly Muslims: A Case Study of Songkhla Province


  • วราพัชร จันทร์เส้ง สาขาพัฒนามนุษย์และสังคม บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
  • Montakarn Chimmamee Social Institute, Chulalongkorn University


Work, Self-adjustment, Provision, Elderly Muslim


             The objective of this research was to study the career transformation among elderly Muslims in Songkhla province leading to the proposal of self-adjustment and work provision for people who are entering the aging society.

             The research results showed that elderly Muslims who lived in rural areas were more likely to work than those who lived in urban environments. The main reason was that they received insufficient income for living even though the government had the income guarantee policy providing an allowance to the elderly in Thailand. Elderly Muslims must adjust their lifestyle or look for a new career although they had attained retirement age. Therefore, increasing the work opportunity for the elderly was another alternative for them to utilize their potential and knowledge to generate income for themselves and their family. Moreover, elderly Muslims undertook the role of the religious leader conducting religious activities. Educating community members to promote and prepare them before entering the aging society and to spend the final stage of their life happily as quality and respected elderly in society.

Author Biography

Montakarn Chimmamee, Social Institute, Chulalongkorn University

ดร.มนทกานต์ ฉิมมามี

การศึกษา ร.บ. : สาขาการปกครอง
ศศ.ม. : สหสาขาวิชาพัฒนามนุษย์และสังคม
Ph.D. : สาขาประชากรศาสตร์


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ธนภรณ์ จิตตินันทน์และคณะ. 2560. (ถอดบทเรียนนโยบายรับมือสังคมสูงวัยจากต่างประเทศ. นโยบายการเงิน ธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย). สืบค้นเมื่อ 2563 เมษายน 4, สืบค้นจาก

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How to Cite

จันทร์เส้ง ว., & Chimmamee, M. (2021). Work Self-adjustment among Elderly Muslims: A Case Study of Songkhla Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 16(1), 89–125. retrieved from



Research Article