This is an outdated version published on 2023-08-30. Read the most recent version.

The Making of Video Performance “Meaning”



Creative Process, Performance, Video Performance


Meaning is a performing arts thesis as undergraduate level in Performing Arts Program. I, as this performance creator, ask myself the question of “does precious and expensive things really make us feel valuable?” This question was inspired by the relationship within the creator's family, in which parents tend to give expensive and valuable things instead of expressions of love or any physical or verbal expressions. This observation results in the concept of this works “the meaning and value of things depends on the feelings within the mind.” The creator created the work through medium such as performing, using objects as symbol, and body movement and presented in Video Performance. There are four steps in this creative process include (1) defining concepts; (2) searching for elements and performance tasks; (3) filming and editing and (4) publishing the work to the public. Meaning as video performance consisting of 2 parts: Part 1 Give - conveying the creator’s feeling of receiving valuable and expensive things from family; Part 2 Get - conveying the creator’s understanding of the meaning of the received item. This work reflects its concept through creator’s learning to recognize the intrinsic value of things in connection with the love of family members. In this article, the creative process will be elaborated in detail.



2023-08-31 — Updated on 2023-08-30


How to Cite

Kittikong, T., & Sinthao, T. . (2023). The Making of Video Performance “Meaning”. Journal of Music and Performing Arts, Khon Kaen University, 5(2), 85–104. retrieved from (Original work published August 31, 2023)



Research Articles