Approaches for Retail Business Curriculum Management of Matthayom Wat Daokhanong School based on Dual Education System

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Woraphan Koljiratthitikan1
Sukanya Chaemchoy


          The research is a mixed-method research were 1) to study the current and the desired state of retail business curriculum management of Matthayom Wat Daokhanong school based on dual education system 2) to propose approaches of retail business curriculum management of Matthayom Wat Daokhanong school based on dual education system. The population was the administrators and all teachers in Matthayom Wat Daokhanong school. The respondents were 30 people of Matthayom Wat Daokhanong school administrators and teachers. The data were collected using questionnaires, interview, and suitability and possibility test. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Priority Needs Index Modified (PNImodified ) and content analysis.

The findings indicated that: 1) In overview, Matthayom Wat Daokhanong school had the different current states and desirable states of retail business curriculum management. The current states were at high level and the desirable states were at the highest level. The priority needs of retail business curriculum management of Matthayom Wat Daokhanong school based on dual education system were curriculum planning, curriculum supervisor, curriculum evaluation and curriculum implementation 2) The approach of retail business curriculum management of Matthayom Wat Daokhanong school based on dual education system were 7 approaches, which are curriculum planning 2 approaches, curriculum supervisor 1 approach, and curriculum implementation 4 approaches.

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