Achievement of a Health Education Learning Management Unit Utilizing Jigsaw Coopeartive Learning Of Prathomsuksa 5 Students

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Patcharapron Sinpormmarath
Krongtip Nakvichet


           The purposes of this research were comparing pre-test/post-test achievement of Prathomsuksa 5 students and comparing post-test achievement with the criterion 60% of those after using jigsaw cooperative learning with
a health education learning unit. Those 17 students were in Prathomsuksa 5 at Bangbopla school, Nakhon Ratchasima province, 1st semester of 2017 academic year. The research instructions were the jigsaw cooperative lesson plan and the tests.

The research findings found that: 1. The learning achievement of the post-test was significantly higher than the pre-test at the level of .05. and 2. The learning achievement of the post-test as compared to the 60% criterion was significantly higher than the pre-test at the level of .05.

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