Integration of Dhamma Principles for Healthcare Treatment of the Elderly

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Sarapee Kanchanarotphan


This academic article aimed to study the integration of the principles of three studies and healthcare treatment for the elderly by adopting the principles of three studies as the tool for development. In this regard, the important practices comprised three studies, meaning the requirements that must be practiced and abided by so as to train body, speech, and mind to make it purified. In addition, three studies were the practices consistent with the ways of healthcare treatment for the elderly with 4 aspects-body, society, mind, and intellect that were associated with the auspicious ways of life correctly according to the law of nature. This was deemed as the purpose in life with perfect consistence while also embracing 4 Bhavana Principles. Remarkably, adopting and having three studies applied to way of life would keep it healthy both physically and mentally, thus being regarded as important things.

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Academic Article