Academic Leadership of Academic Administrators aligned with Buddhism

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Orawadee Srichay


In all types of educational management at all levels, academic works were deemed as of much importance because the aim of academic administration is to create the students imbued with quality, knowledge, morals, and qualifications on demand. Moreover, academic works are the main tasks involved with quality and quantity of the students aside from academic management. In order to have these factors achieve the goals, it is essential to depend on the leaders especially academic ones. Accordingly, this article aimed at analyzing academic leadership of academic administrators aligned with Buddhism. In this way, academic leadership needed to have Buddhist principles applied because the mission of academic leaders in academic institutions composed of 3 things, which were self domination, people domination, and work domination. Meanwhile, the involved principles were 4 virtues for a good household life, the principles of 4 Prejudice, and Suppurisadhamma VII.

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Academic Article