Components of Transportation Management for Ornamental Fish Farmers in Nakhon Pathom Province

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Supamas Sanitprachakorn


     The objectives of this research are to: 1) Analyze the components of transportation management for ornamental fish farmers in Nakhon Pathom Province. 2) Study the problems and solutions for transportation management among these farmers. The sample used in this study includes 400 ornamental fish farmers in Nakhon Pathom Province, selected through convenience sampling. The statistics used for data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, second-order confirmatory factor analysis, and content analysis.
     The research findings indicate that:
     1. The analysis of transportation management components for ornamental fish farmers in Nakhon Pathom Province revealed that the highest weighted factor in the first-order analysis was the reliability of the transportation service providers. In the second-order confirmatory factor analysis, the findings were: (1) In the logistics process dimension, the highest weighted factor was the smooth flow of information, with regular updates and real-time tracking capabilities. (2) In the service accessibility dimension, the highest weighted factor was the ease and speed of contacting the transportation service providers through various channels. (3) In the reliability of the transportation service providers dimension, the highest weighted factor was the credible image of the service providers. (4) In the information technology dimension, the highest weighted factor was the continuous and consistent development of information technology by the service providers.
      2. The problems in transportation management for ornamental fish farmers in Nakhon Pathom Province include transportation issues (such as long transport times and lack of tracking systems, leading to unknown status of goods during transit) and cost issues (such as increased costs for food and operations, resulting in reduced profits for farmers and lack of a system for group cost reduction). The solutions suggested include developing standardized containers suitable for transporting ornamental fish, improving the efficiency, speed, and safety of the transportation system, promoting farmer group formations to reduce transportation costs, and developing effective tracking and inspection systems for goods.
Article history: Received 9 May 2024                
                            Revised 11 June 2024              
                            Accepted 13 June 2024             
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 2.51 %

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How to Cite
Sanitprachakorn, S. (2024). Components of Transportation Management for Ornamental Fish Farmers in Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(1), 269–282.
Research Articles


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