Mutelu tourism: Wat Chedi (Ai Khai), Nakhon Sri Thammarat Province

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Pattanun Atitang
Taechita Suttirak
Kunwadee Janwichian
Wisut Petcharat
Waraporn Kanchanakrod


     "Mutelu" tourism or faith-based tourism It is getting great attention for the tourism industry. And Thailand is a travel destination with a unique culture. linked to identity Local beliefs that answer the needs of faith tourism very well. This article aims to study traditional theory. and service quality that affects the decision to visit Mutelu tourists at Wat Chedi (Ai Khai), Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The results of the study found that Mutelu Tourism Make people follow, conform, and be seen by the group or reference person. Have the ability to recognize beliefs about goodness. Especially in the area of life Make people exempt from prohibitions Follow the rules, regulations of society, community, and guidelines for living life. Including elements to measure service quality in 5 dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, confidence, empathy, and tangibles. It will help create power in various fields, creating a competitive advantage. Create a good image. Customers are willing to pay in exchange for good service. When loyalty arises, it will create more repeat purchases and It is also an important tool for advertising to new customers to use the service by word of mouth as well.
Article history: Received 3 October 2023    
                            Revised 18 June 2024
                            Accepted 20 June 2024           
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 7.30%

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How to Cite
Atitang, P., Suttirak, T., Janwichian, K., Petcharat, W., & Kanchanakrod, W. (2024). Mutelu tourism: Wat Chedi (Ai Khai), Nakhon Sri Thammarat Province. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(1), 244–253.
Research Articles


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